Twitter ceosroose new yorktimes
Elon Musk, Management Guru? – The New York Times
16. dec. 2022 — Why the Twitter owner’s ruthless, unsparing style has made him a hero to many bosses in Silicon Valley.
Why the Twitter owner’s ruthless, unsparing style has made him a hero to many bosses in Silicon Valley.
Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) / Twitter
A Verified Mess: Turmoil From Twitter to FTX – The New York Times
11. nov. 2022 — Plus: Is the latest round of tech layoffs a sign of impending doom, or a much-needed structural correction?
Plus: Is the latest round of tech layoffs a sign of impending doom, or a much-needed structural correction?
Social media use by Donald Trump – Wikipedia
OpenAI didn’t comment for this column, or make anyone available for interviews. But I’m grateful to the people who did talk. I think we, as a society, need to …
The New York Times’ Kevin Roose illustrates how memes …
Tweets words when they appear in the New York Times for the first time. Questions: @maxbittker. 👁️ Live visualization:.
SuperHubs: How the Financial Elite and Their Networks Rule …
Social media use by Donald Trump – Wikipedia
Donald Trump’s use of social media attracted attention worldwide since he joined Twitter in May 2009. Over nearly twelve years, Trump tweeted around 57,000 …
Digital Influence Mercenaries: Profits and Power Through …
The New York Times’ Kevin Roose illustrates how memes radicalize users in online spaces – storybench
16. mar. 2021 — Valerie Gilbert is a Harvard-educated New Yorker and self-proclaimed “meme queen.” A QAnon soldier, Gilbert spreads information far and wide …
A timeline of Elon Musk’s tumultuous Twitter acquisition
SuperHubs: How the Financial Elite and Their Networks Rule our World – Sandra Navidi – Google Bøger
Tesla CEO Elon Musk completed the deal to acquire Twitter at his original offer price of $54.20 a share at a total cost of roughly $44 billion. In the ensuing …
A BLOOMBERG BEST BOOK OF THE YEARWINNER – SILVER MEDAL, AXIOM BUSINESS BOOK AWARDS 2018 FOREWORD BY NOURIEL ROUBINISuperHubs is a rare, behind-the-scenes look at the global financial system and the powerful personal networks through which it is run, at the centre of which sit the Elites – the SuperHubs.Combining an insider’s knowledge with principles of network science, Sandra Navidi offers a startling new perspective on how the financial system really operates. SuperHubs reveals what happens at the exclusive, invitation-only platforms – The World Economic Forum in Davos, the meetings of the International Monetary Fund, think-tank gatherings, power lunches, charity events, and private parties. This is the most vivid portrait to date of the global elite: the bank CEOs, fund managers, billionaire financiers and politicians who, through their interlocking relationships and collective influence are transforming the future of our financial system and, for better or worse, shaping our world.
Super-hubs: Wie die Finanzelite und ihre Netzwerke die Welt …
Digital Influence Mercenaries: Profits and Power Through Information Warfare – James (J.F.) Forest – Google Bøger
In today’s online attention economy, supply and demand have created a rapidly growing market for firms and entrepreneurs using the tactics, tools, and strategies of digital influence warfare to gain profit and power. This book focuses on the more malicious types of online activity such as deception, provocation, and a host of other dirty tricks conducted by these “digital influence mercenaries.” They can be located anywhere with an Internet connection–Brazil, China, Iran, Macedonia, Russia, Zimbabwe–and the targets of their influence efforts can be whomever and wherever they are paid to attack. They can do this for state governments willing to pay and provide their targeting instructions (usually in support of foreign policy objectives) and may have specific metrics by which they will assess the mercenaries’ performance. Non-state actors (including corporations and political parties) can pay for these kinds of digital influence services as well. And in addition to being paid for services rendered, digital influence mercenaries can also profit simply by manipulating the targeted advertising algorithms used by social media platforms. James J. F. Forest describes in detail the various tools and tactics these mercenaries use to exploit the uncertainties, fears, and biases of their targets including bots, deep-fake images, fake news, provocation, deception and trolling. He also shows how they weaponize conspiracy theories and disinformation to manipulate people’s beliefs and perceptions. Forest also highlights how government agencies and social media platforms are trying to defend against these foreign influence campaigns through such tactics as shutting down offending websites, Facebook pages, and YouTube channels; tagging disinformation with warning labels; identifying and blocking coordinated inauthentic behavior; and suspending social media accounts, often permanently. European and North American governments have launched numerous investigations against these mercenaries, and in some cases have brought criminal charges. Forest concludes with suggestions for how each of us can learn to identify disinformation and other malicious efforts and defend ourselves in the future.
A timeline of Elon Musk’s tumultuous Twitter acquisition – ABC News
Here is a timeline of major events in Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s Twitter acquisition.
Super-hubs: Wie die Finanzelite und ihre Netzwerke die Welt regieren – Sandra Navidi – Google Bøger
Gewinner der Silver Medal des Axiom Business Book Award 2016 Auf der Liste der Bloomberg Best Books 2016 Mit einem exklusiven Vorwort von Star-Ökonom Nouriel Roubini $uper-hubs enthüllt, wie die Finanzelite und ihre mächtigen Netzwerke das Weltgeschehen – und damit unser aller Leben – beherrschen. Super-hubs sind die am besten vernetzten Knotenpunkte innerhalb des Finanznetzwerks, wie Milliardär George Soros, JP-Morgan-Chef Jamie Dimon und Blackrock-Boss Larry Fink. Ihre persönlichen Beziehungen und globalen Netzwerke verleihen ihnen finanzielle, wirtschaftliche und politische »Super-Macht«. Mit ihren Entscheidungen bewegen sie täglich Billionen auf den Finanzmärkten und haben somit direkten Einfluss auf Industrien, Arbeitsplätze, Wechselkurse, Rohstoffe oder sogar den Preis unserer Lebensmittel. Als Insiderin der Hochfinanz nimmt Sandra Navidi Sie mit hinter die Kulissen dieses Mikrokosmos der Macht: zum Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos, zum Internationalen Währungsfonds, zu Thinktanks, Benefizgalas und glamourösen Partys. Sie beleuchtet die Menschen, die hinter abstrakten Institutionen und Billionen an Kapital stehen, ihr Erfolgsgeheimnis, ihre privilegierte Existenz und die Auswirkungen auf unser Finanzsystem und damit auch auf die Zukunft unserer Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Erstmals überhaupt gibt Sandra Navidi damit einen Einblick in die sonst hermetisch abgeriegelte Machtelite. Auch im Hinblick auf die Kontroverse des »Großen Reset« bleibt dies ein aktuelles Thema.
Keywords: twitter ceosroose new yorktimes